Thursday 10 April 2008

Are atoms coloured?

Q1: Are the colours that you see all around you in the world located on the surface of objects? (e.g. Is the yellow of a plastic duck on its outer surface?)

Q2: Can atoms be coloured?

Q3: Where, precisely, is the blue of the sky located?
Ÿ (And also the black of deep space?)

Q4: Can you see transparency?
Ÿ And, equivalently in the auditory mode of sensing, can you hear silence?

Q5: Does a tomato remain red when it is closed away in the fridge?
Ÿ this is the equivalent regarding colour of a question which Zen Buddhists ask about sound. Namely, when a tree crashes to the ground in a forest with no-one present does it still make a noise? Similar questions for smell and taste might be does a baking cake still smell good when the kitchen is empty and does a sweet retain its flavour when it remains in its wrapper? But what would be an equivalent question for touch? (Is there one?)

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